About Me

Dingo is my alter ego, created to help explore the world around me as a social tool and a form of living art.  My aim is to show people how I see the world as my pup self and to help express my creativity by living in the moment and encouraging others to do the same without fear or judgement.  I like the photographs that I take to tell a story and Dingo enables that story to come to life either in front of the camera or behind the scenes.  Majority of my work comes in the form of self-portraits, but I also take inspiration from fetish and kink photography work from those such as Robert Mapplethorpe, focusing entirely on those who identify as male.  I am also heavily influenced by the 1980s in all aspects of my life and try to get this across whether showcasing Dingo in person, as a model for other photographers or in the photographs which I take. 

For me being a pup and photographing kinks is another form of art, expressing who I am to help achieve what I want in life, and helping others to capture different sides of their real selves.  For some people, like me, it is a way to relax and interact with people and to get everyone talking.  I want to help break public assumptions and stereotypes that assume all things relating to pup play, having an alter ego or kink must mean that it is sex related and that everything involving kink or expression in the LGBTQI+ is sexualised when that is not necessarily the case.  I want to showcase that there are real people behind the personas and kinks and that they all have unique stories to tell the world through the use of photography. 

Additionally I am writing a book with the help of Dingo which will hopefully be ready for publishing late Summer 2024.  Further updates to follow.  

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